The circuit elements inside the servers can overheat and need cooling. In an environment that includes many servers the heat causes the ambient temperature to increase and thus providing inappropriate conditions for the system to function.
Traditionally, the cold air distributed under the raised flooring is pumped from the front side of the cabin, forming hot air corridors in the rear side of the cabins. The hot air circulates in the room and is then cooled by the air conditioning units, the cycle is then repeated with cold air blowing under the floors again.
During this cycle the hot air meets the cold air before reaching the air conditioner, reducing the efficiency of the air conditioner. A second problem is that hot air travels through the areas of the cabin where the cold air cannot rise sufficiently and forms hot air pockets. In this case, cold air is not provided for the servers, which are located on the upper shelves of the cabin.
The solution is to isolate the cold and hot air from each other in order to increase the cooling efficiency. For this, hot or cold corridor containment solutions are available.